UK University list

USA University list


Which is the best school or University?

Its very difficult to know which school or University you should go to. Which is really the best? The same University can be brilliant if you want to do Biology but very bad if you want to do a language. There are official ratings, but what do the actual sudents or teachers think who go there. Use the form below to tell everyone how good or bad your place is. Maybe you just want to provide an unbiased review and simply wish to inform people of your place or maybe you feel you would like to warn people away not to make the same mistake as yourself! It will take a while to get enough entries to populate the database, but please add your place of work or learning to the list.

Tell us about yours by filling in the form below

For name enter the name of the school or university. It is optional to enter your email address. In the comments provide the town or city and country. Then describe the class and subject you do and write a review as short or long as you like. Feel free to provide a rating out of 10. Then when someone wants to know which school or university is the best or at least the right one to attend for them they can judge by the reviews posted.


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